Tacconi, the party to celebrate the 3 most important days of life. Then a dig at Lapo Elkann

Tacconi shock: “I have to have another operation, it’s not over.” And he attacks Lapo Elkann: “We were great friends, he disappeared”

Continue the recovery of Stefano Tacconiwho can now walk and told the weekly DiPiù that he wanted to celebrate three anniversaries in one during a party held with his family:
“Together with my family I decided to celebrate my discharge from hospital, my sixty-seventh birthday and also my thirteenth wedding anniversary with Laura. Three parties together, to celebrate the three most important days of my life at the same time.
However, I know that even if I am better and walking, I still have a path to follow, they have to give me another fix given that the last visits I had showed blood clots, “thrombi”, in my legs and in the aorta vein.

However, I feel like a lion, the doctors said that my recovery is miraculous”. Finally, a note on Lapo Elkann:
“We were great friends, Lapo and I, but he stopped making himself heard.”

What Stefano Tacconi had:
Stefano Tacconi was able to celebrate three times, one year after the coma into which the former Juventus and national team goalkeeper fell, suffering a cerebral hemorrhage in front of his son Andrea.
“They operated on me twice – continues the former goalkeeper – because the first time it didn’t work.” After a week and a half the champion came out of the coma, «he answered us – adds his son – by blinking his eyes and moving his hands, he was intubated at the Borsalino Hospital in Alessandria»
Stefano Tacconi returned to visit the hospital in Alessandria, where he was treated following the brain aneurysm that struck him in 2022.