Sibilli: “Bari or Pisa? I choose the Apulians, the cycle is over in Tuscany. Giampaolo put his face into it”

Giuseppe Sibillistriker of Bari on loan from Pisagave a long interview to Corriere dello Sportin which he clarified which club he preferred between the Apulian and the Tuscan ones: “Well, certainly the one where I currently play which has shaped me as a footballer and as a man. A year that leaves me with many positive and negative things, contributing to my growth. I think that my period in Pisa is over. After 3 years in the Nerazzurri shirt they thought I was no longer useful to the cause.”

12 goals in one season in Bari, 12 in 3 years in Pisa.
“My fault, not the role. What a great job it is to be a scorer. When it goes well. But when it’s balls in the stands it’s a hell of a life. It’s been a tough season, we didn’t expect to encounter so many difficulties. Certainly the salvation doesn’t erase such a bad season. A team like Bari can’t save themselves in the playouts. I dream of winning Serie B with this team, having also lost a long-awaited playoff final.

Mignani, Marino, Iachini and Giampaolo. Can you tell us about them?
“With the first Bari were not very proactive, they favored the waiting game which last year had produced copious results with suitable players. With Marino the team also did well in certain situations, but we were not good at exploiting the double advantage against Feralpisalò and against Sampdoria. It would have been a completely different story with Iachini. Now I will have time to reflect team. Giampaolo arrived on tiptoe. It wasn’t easy, but he put his face to it, giving serenity to the team and the environment. The team immediately gained awareness from the match against Pisa. last month and was struggling physically. In my opinion he did a great job, we can only say thank you.”