Pres. Union Clodiense: “Agreement with Legnago. We will play in their stadium until October”

A promotion to Serie C achieved almost 50 years after the last appearance among the professionals, and work to adapt the ‘Ballarin’ stadium began immediately; but, as you read above, for now only the covering of the east steps has been removed which must be sandblasted and recovered from the rust that had formed, but for the rest there is no open construction site. AND therefore, it is unlikely that Union Clodiense will start the third series championship in its own sports facility. Bureaucratic times don’t help.

But the club was not caught unprepared, and in view of June 4th, the date on which the clubs will have to indicate the stadium in which to play, it found the solution: the championship will start in the Legnago stadium. This is confirmed by the president of the Union Ivano Boscolo Bielo: “Let’s take one step at a time: the first step is the registration of the team, after which, since we had to indicate a reserve field we have made an agreement with Legnago, who will host us for the Granata’s home matches at least until October“.

In any case, nothing excludes that the works will be concluded sooner, even if what matters most is that the club’s participation in the next Serie C is not in question.