Napoli, forcing for Conte: contract ready, De Laurentiis wants to announce it shortly

Antonio Conte can do it at Napoli. Indeed, according to today’s edition of The morning it’s one step away from celebrating yourself. A very detailed draft contract – we read – was sent to the lawyers of the Lecce coach from the offices of the Italian club headquarters yesterday afternoon, weighing approximately 15 million of euros gross per year plus 2 million for his staff. Just one detail: we are working on a contract without unilateral clauses to be exercised via certified e-mail. And without penalties in case of early termination (see the Spalletti case).

Hours of deep reflection, but according to what was revealed by the Campania newspaper, the former national team coach accepted De Laurentiis’ repeated court. The president of the Italian club seems to be willing to put his ego aside and give Conte carte blanche on everything. This certainly won’t be an all-out negotiation: the dispute of the environment is more intense with each passing day and AdL would like to do theannouncement in a short time to respond to the harsh criticism received. We are only waiting for a definitive response from the former Juventus and Inter coach (among many).