Lecce, offer from Croatia for Coppitelli: the Primavera coach could leave


The coach of Lecce Primavera, Federico Coppitelli, could leave the Salento club at the end of this season. According to what was gathered by the TMW editorial staff, the coach has in fact received an offer from Osijek, a Croatian club, who would like the man who brought the category title to the Giallorossi last year. Reflections underway for Coppitelli himself, who will decide in the next few days.

Negotiation also confirmed by Corvino.
The head of the Giallorossi technical area confirmed the coach’s possible farewell today in a press conference: “The news about Coppitelli came out today: I confirm, I was notified of the proposal from a Croatian club. He told me he is evaluating it.”

Other words from Corvino.
“I won the Primavera 3 times with Rizzo playing with the 3-5-2. Coppitelli played with a 3-man defence. I don’t impose anything on anyone. I will ask Gotti which formation he wants to play with and we will choose the players according to the formation I’m not both a director and a coach. On Saturday I went to the bench to get my third salary as team manager?”.

Will Almqvist be bought?
“We will first talk to the president regarding the budget and then we will meet with the coach.”

Pongracic’s future may not be at Lecce. What is the value of the defender’s card?
“The market gives the value.”