Lawyer Giuliani: “Naples, Conte to calm the environment, but the market will also serve”

TMW Radio

The lawyer Francesco Giuliani he spoke during the “Piazza Affari” program on TMW Radio to comment on various topics related to Naples.

Can Conte really land at Napoli?
“Today his statements are a bit enigmatic, even though he has already accustomed us to twists and turns in the past. However, it is very difficult at the moment to know what is even going through the president’s mind.”

Will Conte be the one to meet De Laurentiis or vice versa?
“The results speak for Conte, even if more on a national level than Inter. Regarding relationships, let’s not forget how Spalletti managed to reduce De Laurentiis to size and keep him out of the locker room; it could also happen with Conte.”

How could failure to qualify for European cups impact you?
“Conte has always done well in his first year in teams that did not qualify for Europe. He won the championship with Juventus, but also at Chelsea, where he arrived after a tenth place; the parallels are auspicious.”

What needs to be fixed on the market?
“For a possible 3-5-2 I can understand the talk about a possible sacrifice of Mario Rui and Politano, while about Kvaratskhelia I would think twice before selling him. Juan Jesus and Ostigard cannot remain starters either. We should take two strong centre-backs, regardless of Di Lorenzo’s future.”

How long will it take to mend the environment?
“I have been attending the San Paolo stadium since 1971 and I can say that the Neapolitan public has always been very involved, but also very critical, so I am not surprised by the well-deserved boos. Conte’s name could calm the environment, but an adequate market would also be needed.”

Folorunsho and Caprile will return from the loans, what can they give?
“I would also add Gaetano to these, who is a formidable player. This year an unholy winter campaign was conducted between purchases and sales. In any case, I really like Caprile but I don’t know if he is ready to be the starter in Naples.”

What do you think of the project to create an authority to regulate our world of football?
“The point is not the authorities, but how they can exercise their power. Covisoc was a failure, because ineligible clubs were allowed to enter the championship. The Authority is welcome but we will have to see who it will be made up of, what type of power it will have and how it will be exercised”.