Immobile’s report cards: twenty minutes to close the season, wasted in the finale

Just over twenty minutes per Ciro Immobile in the match against Sassuolo. The Lazio striker came close to scoring late but didn’t find it. La Gazzetta dello Sport is lapidary in the comment on his report card: “He wastes in the end”. For TMW instead “he tries to leave his signature in the match, at least compared to his teammate he kicks on goal and calls Cragno into action”.

This is the analysis from “Twenty minutes to close the season with a stamp. Lazio today, however, creates little, little, little. Not much. The sensational chance is created almost by itself: Cragno blocks his left-footed foot with his big foot” .

Gazzetta dello Sport: 5.5
Tuttosport: sv
Corriere dello Sport: 6 5.5