Holiday atmosphere at the Bentegodi: Hellas and Inter close the championship with a 2-2

With their heads now on holiday, thanks to the salvation obtained in advance on one side and the Scudetto won weeks ago on the other, Hellas Verona and Inter thought above all about having fun in the last match of the season, with the 2-2 final everyone is happy and the Scaligeri and Nerazzurri championship ends. Protagonist evening for Marko Arnautovic who opened and closed the match with two goals, interspersed with goals from Noslin and Suslov, who had given the yellow-blue team the lead.

The words of Marco Baroni.
After the match the Hellas coach commented: “A beautiful celebration. An exciting stadium, with wonderful energy inside. I will never stop complimenting the players and our public who have always supported us in difficult moments and this does not it was obvious. It’s yet another demonstration of how attached this city and this fan base, which I already knew, is to its colours, to its shirt and never gives up.”

Inzaghi’s words.
Thoughts about the future and the new ownership for the Inter coach, who also greeted Zhang after the match: “I had a great relationship, he was a precious president, this year he couldn’t be present as much but it’s as if we had always been the case, I greeted him warmly. Now there is a new ownership, they are enthusiastic and I hope to meet them soon with Marotta, Ausilio, Baccin, to also understand the new programs”.