Hellas Verona-Inter 2-2, the report cards: Arnautovic protagonist. Another goal for Noslin

Final result: Hellas Verona-Inter 2-2

HELLAS VERONA (Edited by Marco Pieracci)

Perilli 7.5 – He finds Inter again after having already saved two penalties against Pordenone a few years ago, scored twice by Arnautovic and then gets excited: he loses count of the decisive interventions.

Tchatchoua 6.5 – Soft pace when pushing, difficult to keep up with him when he decides to start in progression. Dimarco doesn’t cause him any major problems.

Coppola 5.5 – Reduced to size by Arnautovic’s brute strength, he clearly loses the physical duel with the Austrian. Well done to close on Cuadrado in the second half.

Cabal 5.5 – Central for the occasion, a role in which he seems to be a little uncomfortable: he goes smoothly on the first goal, struggles on the second. From 68′ Magnani 6 – More decisive in advance.

Vinagre 6 – Baroni asks him to push forward so as not to get crushed, he goes up late keeping Arnautovic in the game. The crossroad hit at the end was sensational: he saved with a thrill.

Serdar 7 – Serial ball retriever, almost in a competitive trance: for information ask Barella. But also quality openings.

Belahyane 6.5 – Confident in managing the ball, he commands respect: against an excellence like Calhanoglu he is never intimidated. From 74′ Dani Silva 6 – Good geometries.

Mitrovic 5.5 – Remarkable potential, but he is the least brilliant of the trio of attacking midfielders: he doesn’t challenge Carlos Augusto enough one-on-one. From 74′ Tavsan 6 – He comes in well-loaded, Di Gennaro commits.

Suslov 7 – Unleashed, deadly cut towards the center with attached vertical ball for Noslin who then returns the favor. Understood with their eyes closed, they play by heart. From 81′ Cissé sv

Lazovic 6.5 – Bisseck jumps on his head sending Arnautovic through on goal, it will be the only small flaw. He deserves the standing ovation upon leaving the pitch. From 67′ Charlys 6 – Perky.

Noslin 7 – Perhaps the best intuition of Sogliano’s winter transfer market, it puts Acerbi in difficulty by confirming himself as great against the big teams: after Juve and Milan, Inter also gets stumped.

Marco Baroni 6.5 – Intensity immediately skyrocketed, so as not to give the Italian champions any breathing space. Very high defense and the usual abundant dose of courage: he imposes a draw with the same ingredients as the historic feat that will remain imprinted in the club’s history.

INTER (Edited by Marco Pieracci)

Audero 6 – Inter fails to score their twenty-second clean sheet but the blame for the goals is relative, perhaps they could have done something more at 2-1. From 67′ Di Gennaro 6.5 – A couple of excellent interventions to celebrate his debut in Serie A at 33 years old.

Bisseck 5.5 – Protagonist for better or for worse: he serves the assist for Arnautovic with a gigantic header, but is caught by Suslov.

Unripe 5.5 – Noslin moves a lot, so as not to give him points of reference, the speedy exchanges with Suslov send him over the top.

Carlos Augusto 6 – The left-handed connection with Dimarco isn’t as crackling as expected, Tchatchoua’s runs don’t make him feel comfortable.

Dumfries 5.5 – Pending, like the contract renewal which is slow in arriving and risks taking him away from Milan. He doesn’t land the shot. From 57′ Square 6 – He could greet with a goal, Coppola doesn’t want to hear about it.

Frattesi 6.5 – Technical tests of coexistence with Barella, danger index always high: he comes close to scoring on at least three occasions, needing an assist from the chest for the second goal.

Calhanoglu 6.5 – He plays almost as a substitute, after all his technical features allow him to do so: he makes things seem simple that aren’t simple at all.

Stretcher 6 – Tender at 2-1, he is stolen too easily by Serdar. To make amends he opens the compass: the throw for the 2-2 is illuminating. From 67′ Asllani 6 – Manages operations.

Dimarco 6 – Targeted with deafening whistles every time he touches the ball, he is not affected by the unfriendly reception. From 57′ Buchanan 6.5 – Create numerical superiority.

Thuram 6 – Arnautovic takes the stage, he dedicates himself to the dirty work, remaining fresh as a daisy until the end despite the lot of energy burned.

Arnautovic 7.5 – He comes forward to open spaces but also fills them himself: a brace from a true center forward, he finishes with a bang. From 57′ Sanchez 6 – Not bad at shooting the first time, Perilli tells him no. Then he celebrates the overtaking lob canceled by VAR.

Simone Inzaghi 6 – At the Bentegodi he had always won before tonight, this time he didn’t succeed: he closed an extraordinary championship with a draw, giving space to those who had found less space in the triumphal ride towards the second star.