Frappart escorted by the police in Greece, SAFE: “Behavior unworthy of the values ​​of sport”

What happened at the end of the Greek Cup, won by Panathinaikos over Aris Thessaloniki with a 97th goal strongly contested by the yellow and blacks, is arousing strong reactions throughout Europe. The referee of the challenge, the Frenchwoman Stephanie Frappartwas in fact forced to leave the pitch escorted by the police after the attempted attack, fortunately without consequences, by the players, staff and management of Aris with the president of the club also announcing that he was ready to report the French whistle at UEFA.

The SAFE (referees’ union) has taken a position on this matter with an official note: “Such attitudes demonstrate once again the most total lack of respect and the most absurd negligence towards the refereeing function and the partiality of those involved in this match. There is still a lot of work. Well done Stephanie – we read again in the note – If the behavior of the losing team at the end of the match is unworthy of the values ​​of football, lovers of our sport can rest assured: everything is gone after that. good for the refereeing team. What can you blame him for? For carrying out his job in a stormy context, with impartiality.”