Felipe Anderson says goodbye to Lazio, with Sassuolo 1-1. Salute to A for the neroverdi

A match that had little to say at the Olimpico between Lazio and Sassuolo which closed the championship of the two teams. The final result was 1-1, with goals from Zaccagni and Viti arriving in the second half. The neroverdi officially say goodbye to Serie A, while Tudor’s team finished the season in seventh place, with qualification for the Europa League for next season.

Last for Felipe Anderson.
After the announcement of his signing with Palmeiras, which arrived a few weeks ago, Felipe Anderson said goodbye to Lazio and Serie A. The player wanted to say goodbye to the Lazio people with a speech in the middle of the pitch: “Guys, I want to thank you because from day one you welcomed me, not only as a footballer but first as a boy and now as a man. I thank you because you gave me much more than football could give me, for this I always thank you Lazio.”

Tudor’s words.
The Biancoceleste coach spoke specifically about the Europa League and the team that will have to be created in view of next season: “A beautiful competition, it’s not the Champions League that is the most beautiful. It must be done in the best way. We’ll see, we need to rest and prepare as best as possible with the right squad to make the best Lazio possible.”