DS Latina: “We want to move forward with Fontana. And we won’t upset the team”

TMW Radio

“I think a good job has been done, always with a careful eye on costs and sustainability. In the next season we will try to improve ourselves with the ideas and values ​​specific to this club. The desire to start again from Mister Fontana is there, we are trying to understand how. There are still some details missing but we are at a good point”: thus, in the afternoon episode of the show TMW Radio All Centirely dedicated to the world of Serie C, the Sports Director of Latina Matteo Patti.

The manager then talks about his biennial renewal: “This is a company that is very attentive to all the dynamics and, as said before, it is a sustainable company. We want to continue to grow together with ideas, and I am ready. We will also try to maintain our footing on the market tough on the team. The intention to intervene to improve the quality of the squad is there, we will need a couple of top-level players from each department to raise the bar.”

What do you think of the growth of the Serie C movement?
“The increase in spectators is a good thing, because the Serie C championship is wonderful, there are many guys who are managing to emerge. Our ‘Francioni’ stadium is a wedding favor where everything works. We also have an important structure for the sports center which makes us a point of reference in central Italy.”