Dellas anticipates Olympiacos-Fiorentina: “Both teams will be more cautious at the start”

Traianos Dellascurrently coach of Ofi Creta and former acquaintance of Serie A (he wore the shirts of Perugia and Roma), spoke at Radio FirenzeViola to talk about the Conference League final between Olympiacos and Fiorentina scheduled for Wednesday in Athens: “It’s a Conference final and it won’t be easy for either of them but Fiorentina already played in a final last year and is playing a more competitive championship. For their part, however, Olympiacos has a lot of international experience, they have played in the Champions League for many years, and I particularly remember the match against Maccabi Tel Aviv in which they overturned the result. I hope that the next match will be intense and that both teams give their all. I’m sure the team in better shape will win. I think it’s a 50/50 balanced match.”

On the setting of the final: “We cannot predict how the coaches will prepare the final. Olympiacos is a team that presses very well, and I think this was the decisive factor against Aston Villa. We will see how they approach this match on the pitch. Maybe both teams they will be more cautious at the beginning so as not to give space to the opponent, and then attack during the match.”

On Jovetic’s season: “Both Jovetic’s and Olympiacos’ seasons were with ups and downs, but the real turning point that made them excellent coincided with the arrival of Medilibar who changed the whole structure and Jovetic is one of those which had a major impact on this change.”