Conte at Napoli? De Laurentiis: “I can’t say anything, the next ten days are decisive”

Aurelio De Laurentiis and the new coach of Napoli, with Antonio Conte a very strong profile in these hours. At the end of a conference on the topic of racism held today in Trentola Ducenta, the number one of the Neapolitan club when questioned on the topic expressed himself thus: “It’s not that I don’t want to say anything, I can’t say because the next ten days will be decisive after having made all the appropriate, necessary assessments, but the fairness of reasoning must win.”

On the topic of racism, these are the words of De Laurentiis taken from ‘’: “If this is our distorted nature, it is difficult to educate people. The children are not racist, they are in mixed classes, they play with everyone. Then as they grow… Bullying, for example, is a consequence of racism behavior deriving from the association with others similar in age. At the base there is a State that has never worked and is not working, an educational problem in families who have to work to bring a double salary home and cannot protect with their presence. the growth of their children, who then suffer from that absence”.

It’s still: “School alone is not enough and is not adequate because it has teachers who are not able to educate our children in a modern way and therefore the problems are many. Criticizing is easy, the problem is finding what to do to no longer be able to criticize” .