Carvajal: “When I arrived at Real Madrid, I would never have imagined 6 finals in 10 years”

Real Madrid defender, Dani Carvajalspoke to Real Madrid TV immediately after training and in the middle of the Open Media Day which represents the start of preparation for the Champions League final against Borussia Dortmund. These are his statements: “We can’t wait for the final to arrive, these weeks have been long since we won LaLiga. We have to enjoy every moment of these days. Experience counts for something, in the first final I couldn’t sleep night before or taking a nap, I don’t know how I made it through the whole game.”

On the final six: “Playing in the sixth final in 10 years is unimaginable, I couldn’t imagine it when I arrived from Leverkusen. I can’t wait to lift the Champions League on Saturday.”

On the many injuries: “We had three injuries to three first choice players like Courtois, Militao and Alaba and we all adapted to the needs, this speaks of a winning group. We adapted well to positions that were not ours, we gave a hand to the coach, we made it easier.”

On the favorite Real Madrid: “We’re all going to London together. We have to win this match and two months later think about the next one. We don’t consider ourselves favourites. It’s a 50-50. We have to do things very well to win. If you’re looking for something different, you’re wrong. This what brought you here is what can make you a champion.”

About Kroos: “Kroos’ rating is a 10. Nobody will ever speak badly of him. He is a player who is playing at a consistent level. He is a world star. And during the farewell you saw how we were all with him and what he means to everyone in the dressing room, for the young players and for those of us who have been with him for a long time. He’s a fantastic person, he has a fantastic family and he deserves everything good that happens to him.”