Bari, Di Cesare on the future: “I want to decide together with the club. And I studied to be a sporting director”

Valerio Di Cesarecaptain of the Bari, he reached the age of 41 by playing a season as a leader and scoring very heavy goals. In the interview given to La Gazzetta dello Sportdespite invitations to clarify his future, has not completely resolved his doubts: “What if I stop? My son Andrea asks me every day not to do it. I have answered him several times that I have reached an age at which it is necessary to make a examination of conscience. But I still feel like a footballer. In the meantime, it is already a great satisfaction to see that many are asking me not to stop.”

What’s going to happen? What if they offered you a management role?
“I want to understand and decide together with the club. I studied to become a sports director, which is what I would like to do one day. I would like to be optimized for my knowledge, not to be an image man. I bought a house in Bari, but it wasn’t there I need to do it to strengthen my roots, I’m not a pimp. I really feel this city is mine. My family lives well in Bari. And we like the idea of ​​staying.”

Were you afraid of ending up relegated?
“A lot, but the hope has always been alive. It was enough to play other times like in Terni. I would live it all again. I have dreamed of being a footballer since I was a child. Well, given the injuries, I never imagined I would be on the pitch until I was 41 I was sorry to cry in front of the reporters, but we are men. I collapsed in a delicate moment. We also have to have the courage to cry.”