Alvini: “A positive year in Cremona, not in Spezia. Now I want to win a Serie B to return to Serie A”

A football season, that of Serie B which is now about to be definitively archived (only the playoff final will have to be played), which for Massimiliano Alvini ended on November 15th, when he was sacked by a Spezia in crisis, who then achieved salvation on the last day of the championship. A season of which the Tuscan coach, as we read on the portal planetserieb.itspoke on the channel Twitch of the site: “I’m experiencing a moment of disappointment. You come from a good, enormous and distant path and suddenly you have setbacks. An exemption or certain situations are not so easy, sometimes, for those who live their life very emotionally From these periods we try to improve to be ready in the future, this is necessary for further growth: I have a great desire and enthusiasm to start again, leaving the past behind me, I always look forward the new challenges”.

And he continues: “In Cremona in Serie A we played against everyone, I’m thinking of the matches against Napoli, Milan, Atalanta and Juventus, only the episodes condemned us. This year, however, with the Spezia didn’t go well: I could have perhaps made a different, less hasty choice and thought it through better. But maybe you find out about these things later and a coach must also be good at throwing himself into certain stories, giving his best.”

A note then goes to the coaching panorama, with many former footballers finding themselves on important benches: “The coaches in Italy are very strong, we are talking about the best school. The German one, after the 2006 World Cup, has updated itself a lot and has made progress. For me, however, the Italian coaches are the best and I have also experienced this by taking courses. Unfortunately, for those who come from the ranks, in a career of 801 benches and with many victories in the minor categories, you look at the latest negative results (one victory in the last 31 games) and you get the label of a manager who hasn’t produced results for two years, of a non-winner. Then maybe a former footballer comes out and wins four Serie A matches and is considered a top player to analyze the path taken. My goal is to return to Serie A and the only championship I haven’t won is Serie B, so I also aim to get to Serie A by winning Serie B”.