A22 on the Super League: “The era of UEFA and FIFA monopoly is over”. The statement

After the sentence of the Court of Madrid, the press release arrives A22 Sports Managementthe company behind the Super League project, rejoices: “Today the Commercial Court of Madrid 17 issued the ruling in the case of the European Super League/A22 Sports Management against UEFA/FIFA. The Commercial Court ruled that the UEFA and FIFA statutes which prevent competitors from entering the international club competition market are illegal and incompatible with European Union competition law. It is the first time that a European court has applied the legal framework issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union (“. CJEU”) in December 2023 and the decision is therefore binding and enforceable throughout the European Union.

The Commercial Court confirmed the legal principles established by the CJEU and found that the UEFA/FIFA statutes, which allow vetoing of any competitor in their pan-European competitions, are contrary to European Union law.

– The Court specifically stated that “UEFA and FIFA abused their dominant position […] granting themselves the discretion to prohibit participation in alternative competitions” and “prevent free competition on the market by imposing unjustified and disproportionate restrictions”.

– In conclusion, the Court ordered FIFA and UEFA to “cease the anti-competitive conduct”, “prohibit its future repetition” and “remove all effects of the anti-competitive actions […] which occurred before or during the duration of the proceedings””.