Ten Hag greets with a trophy? FA Cup at Man United. Bad news for Chelsea and Tonali

Celebrate the Manchester United. The Red Devils win the derby against the English champions Manchester City and raise the FA Cup to the skies at Wembley. A success that is worth double for Erik Ten Hag, always in the balance since he arrived on the bench of the Manchester reds and given leave for next season.

It all happens in the first half of the match with United placing a deadly one-two between the half hour and 40th minute. It was Garnacho who opened the scoring while nine turns later it was Mainoo, assisted by Bruno Fernandes, who scored the second goal, beating Ortega. In the second half Doku, three minutes from the end, tries to spice up the final minutes but in the end Ten Hag wins with his Manchester United celebrating the derby victory on the most important day for his Manchester United.

Bad news however for the Chelsea and, above all, the Newcastle Of Sandro Tonali. The former AC Milan midfielder, upon his return from a betting ban at the beginning of next season, will not participate in the European cups, given that the Bianconeri remained out despite the seventh place achieved in the league, which becomes useless after the victory of the FA Cup of the Red Devils. Chelsea will instead have to settle for the Conference League and will be a very formidable opponent for Fiorentina, Turin or Naples, who will understand their fate after the Viola’s Conference final.