Pioli: “I leave Milan happy and proud. I hope to be able to relive the emotions I felt here”

After his last evening as a Rossoneri at San Siro, mister Stefano Pioli he also wanted to speak to the microphones of Milan TV. These are his emotional words at the end of the last match of what was “his” Milan: “The evening started very early, because we have been waiting for this moment for two or three days with greetings, hugs and great gratitude towards Milan, especially towards the players and fans who were fantastic, even in difficult moments. What I experienced here will remain in my heart, it was a bit strange to experience the match today, I’m a bit drained and emotional.”

On the emotions experienced at Milan: “My boys had put ‘Pioli is on fire’ on the bus, it was a surprise. 25 years ago, when I started coaching, I wouldn’t have imagined experiencing the emotions I experienced here. Pride goes beyond beyond the results, for everything I went through with this team and all the people who helped me. I hope to be able to relive the sensations I experienced here in the future, but it won’t be easy.”

On how he feels on the day of farewell: “I leave enriched by an important experience with such a glorious club. Today I am in the best moment of my career, I thank Milan for this, I leave happy and proud”.

On Bennacer’s tears: “Isma is a very sensitive boy, he was already crying two days ago, all the demonstrations of affection I received from my boys but also from the fans, from the Curva Sud, meant a lot to me, thanks to everyone”.