Naples, Conte turning point: trying to close to start the refoundation

The Naples today he takes to the field against Lecce, there is still some hope for the Conference in the event of 9th place and Fiorentina’s triumph in the final, but the last 90′ of this disastrous season seem to represent more of an annoyance than anything else. The attention is catalyzed solely by the total coach, the search for the figure who, together with the new sporting director Manna, will have to take charge of a profound re-foundation. And yesterday, in this sense, can be decisive.

Accelerated for Antonio Conte
When all the clues seemed to point to Gasperini, Napoli seems to have taken another path despite the white smoke that has not yet arrived from the various meetings with Percassi. At the same time, the Neapolitan club has continued contacts for Conte – first choice since the October crisis – which yesterday led to enormous steps forward. The intermediation work of sporting director Manna was invaluable in this sense, after a couple of days of standby by De Laurentiis who celebrated his 75th birthday on the Amalfi Coast, to make progress on the figures and the technical project. It’s almost time, but the final words will obviously be from president De Laurentiis, who has long been convinced of the need for a strong figure to be able to relaunch his Napoli.

In or out in 48 hours
Conte is the big favorite at the moment (Pioli and Italiano are in the background with contacts that are now dated), but in one sense or another Napoli wants to define the new coach within a couple of days at most. The work that awaits the club is enormous and there is a need to plan the choices in detail from a technical point of view: the scouting and sporting director lists in this sense are waiting to intertwine with the ideas of the next coach. It will be necessary to replace Osimhen – who today could play his last for the Azzurri, while the use of Zielinski and Mario Rui is difficult – as well as the Pole, intervening for that left-handed defender who has already been missing this year, make a choice on Meret, clarify the Di Lorenzo situation and beyond. This is to start with.