Milan, Maignan on Wednesday in France’s retreat: recovery will continue at Clairefontaine

Called up by France for Euro 2024, Mike Maignan was considered doubtful. The Rossoneri goalkeeper suffered an injury in training and yesterday missed Milan’s last championship match, against Salernitana, but the latest information on him, coming directly from France, is rather positive and excludes the hypothesis that the AC Milan goalkeeper misses the European Championship.

As reported by Telefoot the former Lille player is expected on Wednesday with the rest of the French national team at the Clairefontaine retreat in view of the European Championship to continue his recovery, which began in recent days at Milanello. Good news for Didier Deschamps and his staff, but it remains to be seen whether he will be 100% fit for the start of the tournament.

During training on May 23, three days ago, Maignan dislocated the fifth finger of his left hand while making a save. Promptly reduced, subsequent radiological tests ruled out fractures. You will wear a brace for a week, from that day, until a new specialist check-up.