Luis Enrique reveals PSG’s MVP of the season and makes a surprise name: “But I give 10 to everyone”

Luis Enriquecoach of Paris Saint-Germain, after the victory in the Coupe de France final against Olympique Lyon, took stock of his first season in France in a press conference: “I think I must first of all congratulate all the players, none excluded, to the whole club and to all the fans who were exceptional. This is the team I was looking for, that I was waiting for, a team that is not afraid. That is very offensive. That presses aggressively and has great energy all year. It’s not my job to choose a single period. We were fantastic throughout this final. Once again, congratulations to the team. I wanted to play one more week and not go on holiday. I give all my players a 10/10 all season.”

You hugged Mbappé for a long time after the match. What message did you send him?
“I had the chance to coach Kylian this season. It was a difficult season for him. After seven years and so many successes, it is very difficult to say goodbye. He was always ready to help his team. Tonight was the icing on the cake too if he didn’t score. He was present at all the actions.

Vitinha has done great things since he was put in front of the defense. How do you rate his season?
“For me he is the player of the season. If we add to his qualities as a footballer his qualities as a man and professional, he is the best of the whole team. Yet all the players I have available here are good. But he was exceptional”.

Were you aware of the incidents between fans before the match?
“No. When there is news of this type, we and the players do not always know what is happening. I am sorry for what happened and in general for any violence that has occurred to the detriment of football. It must be eradicated in France, Spain and everywhere in the world The game must convey positive values. And it is all together, by uniting, that we will be able to do this.”