L’Eco di Bergamo on the front page: “Atalanta-Gasp, agreement close”

“Atalanta-Gasp, agreement close”we read in high cut above The Echo of Bergamo on newsstands today. The newspaper dedicates ample space to the story concerning the renewal of the Nerazzurri coach, now close to staying after the Europa League victory on the magical night in Dublin: “Atalanta-Gasp: the continuation of the marriage is increasingly closer, even if it is still missing the white smoke. Barring sensational surprises at this point, the usual soap opera will end in the usual way, with Gian Piero Gasperini remaining on the Nerazzurri bench. There is a certain optimism, as can be seen from the words of Antonio Percassi: «Gasperini is staying? working on the final things”, the Nerazzurri president told Sky Sport yesterday, leaving Zingonia in the car”.

Contract issue
The newspaper also explains which details still need to be ironed out to arrive at the white smoke and effectively sanction one of the longest marriages in Italian football: “Among the final details there is also the contract issue: the current one expires in a year, in 2025, and it will be retouched, but the coach would like to extend it for a further two years, until 2027, while the club would think about reaching 2026.”