Jacobelli: “Lookman is another of the many players whose lives Gasperini changed”

Over the course of his fund for Tuttosport, Xavier Jacobelli spoke about Atalanta’s feat of winning the Europa League in the name of Lookman: “When they learned his name, for the people from Bergamo the crisis was immediate: Ademòlamia. In Dublin they learned why, in the Nigerian Yoruba language, Ademola means ‘a crown is added to my wealth’ or even ‘a crown is given to me’. Who but Lookman, born 26 years ago in Wandsworth, South West London, should be given the superbomber crown. , first player capable of scoring 3 goals in the decisive act of the Europa League (…).

On the Irish night, we understood what was one of the motivations that pushed Ademola to give his best, a deadly Gasperinian splinter stuck in the defense of Bayer, the new German champions, unbeaten in 51 games, 143 goals to his credit. The second of Incoronato’s 3 centers was awarded by UEFA as the best goal of the entire Europa League: tunnel to Xhaka, shot, right-footed shot from the edge of the penalty area which went into the bottom corner to the left of Kovar ( …).

‘Today we made history’, today we made history, shouted to the world Ademola, paid 9 million euros from Atalanta to Leipzig in 2022, where he had landed after his youth years at Charlton and before loans to Fulham and Leicester . Today it is worth at least five times as much. Lookman is another of the many players whose lives Gasperini has changed, having understood how to enhance their technical characteristics.”