Brindisi, Dohlich reveals: “Still interested in the club, but we need a willingness to sell”

Another twist in the negotiation between Peter Dohlich and Brindisi. The German entrepreneur now seemed to have closed off any discussion on the possible acquisition of the club but today, speaking to Antenna Sud, he said he was willing to discuss it again: “When I arrived in the city to meet the club I made my intentions clear , my ultimatum was to understand if the property really wanted to sell. Last Saturday we had closed and instead, three hours later, I was told that the offer had been rejected.

I am interested in purchasing the Brindisi, but it bothers me to have to insist and I don’t like that my word is not respected. There is a contract that has not been respected, I would have also taken on the debts and instead they refused 80% of what we asked for. I haven’t closed the door, I’m still interested and I’ll come by bike if the current ownership shows me the willingness to want to sell.”