Benevento, Paleari: “I wanted to keep a clean sheet. The group is united, now Carrarese”

His saves allowed Benevento to emerge unscathed from Sassari and advance to the playoff semi-finals. At the end of the match against Torres, the goalkeeper Alberto Paleari commented: “Thank goodness – he reports – I wanted to keep a clean sheet. We did it, they are happy, we celebrated with the “pres”, he was very excited too. I said we weren’t coming to manage it, but we had to suffer: we knew their strength, always ready to find plays in midfield, they put us in difficulty. From tomorrow we will return to Rome and prepare to face Carrarese who are equally strong.

The parade on Diakité? When the ball bounces on the ground it’s always difficult, their penalty areas weren’t as good as ours at Vigorito. However I managed to save. The group is united, we will need everyone, in the return match against Carrarese Pinato will also be back and we will need him too. The semi-final? We will have to work well in the department and find new solutions up front, we know that Carrarese has excellent performers, an excellent goalkeeper: when we don’t concede goals we are happy, but we don’t want to make all the fans who are at home suffer.

We will try to unlock it sooner next time. Meccariello’s entrance? Biagio has wanted to play for a long time, we discuss how to use him, we respect him and we know we can count on him, we know we have another string to our bow. The coach will always decide on his use, but we are certain that he will give us a great hand.”