Atalanta-Gasperini, work in progress. Yesterday new summit, discussion on the duration of the contract

The choice has been made. Barring sensational changes in the face (the conditional is always a must) Gian Piero Gasperini will remain on the benchAtalanta. It’s clear, some details are needed to arrive at the white smoke, the definitive handshake, the black and white signature, but by now the basic idea to build the foundations of another cycle has been laid.

The confidence was also felt yesterday when the president left Antonio Percassi from the Zingonia sports center: “We are working on the final things”, he declared to the microphones of Sky Sports. Shortly before training the parties met again to better understand the details of the new agreement (the CEO Luca Percassi and the sporting director Tony D’Amico were also present): on the table was the duration of the contract and the next market strategies to go to strengthen a squad that has already won the Europa League.

The main issue to be resolved therefore concerns the duration of the new agreement, with the club wanting to renew it until 2026 (the current one expires next year), while the coach is instead asking for a further year of contract, until 2027. Details, but the will to stay is there: the objective is to give continuity to the eight seasons in which the Gasp he managed to bring the Goddess on the roof of Europe.