Venice, Vanoli: “Catanzaro plays the best football, Cremonese has an important squad

Paolo Vanoli, coach of Venezia who last night by beating Palermo gained access to the Serie B playoff final, spoke at the press conference. These are his words collected by

“I congratulate the boys because they are the first to deserve the final, they had an amazing championship and not playing this final and this dream would have been unfair. The championship brought us disappointments but we have always been good at getting back up. The first half was one of the best since I’ve been here, we took to the pitch to immediately make it clear what we were looking for and what we wanted. The skill was to take the field as if we were 0-0, the fact is that in the second half the natural desire to manage took over, you get down, work harder and concede goals. But they all gave their contribution, we are all ready and that’s the beauty of it. I also thank these magnificent fans, seeing the full Penzo was enthralling. Today, in my opinion, the satisfaction was coming in as if we were down there, I could have even scored a few more goals. Then sometimes when we want to manage we always go to the goalkeeper instead of playing it forward. It’s not our best quality and we know it.”

The second goal is finally a fifth to fifth action:
“I’ve been wanting to kill them all year (laughs) the fifths have to go in and run. Zampano played a great game, Candela had to know when to attack against a difficult opponent, because Di Mariano is offensive. He did it well. In the first thirty minutes the football we played was of a high level.”

Were all the points behind us in the standings visible this evening?
“No, this is football, these are the playoffs and the regulations just as I don’t agree with a regulation which states that with two yellow cards you’re out, everything is done to improve football and then with two yellow cards you’re disqualified, I’m nervous, tense games, the interpretation of the yellow card for Joronen is forced, we left Palermo with five yellow cards. It should be like in Scotland, the best play in the final, I say this for everyone, there are five matches for those in the preliminaries, there is the risk of not being able to play with the best, but in my opinion it was good to remove the supplementary. Now the boy has to be there psychologically in the first leg because then there will be the final and we will have him at home.”

Catanzaro or Cremonese?
“They are two completely different teams, Catanzaro produced a masterpiece against Cremonese after 120 minutes. He amazed everyone, he played the best football, but on the other side there is a team that together with Palermo has the most important squad. I’m lucky enough to be able to look at it peacefully for once.”

Choirs for you?
“It’s nice, it’s rewarding, they’ve recognized the work since I’ve been here. Since I’ve been here I’ve promised things and the fans have given us something back, not only to me but also to the boys, the first thing I said to the boys is that we had to win back the fans and also thanks to their push they helped us ”.

The president followed the match from the sidelines at the end, then you hugged each other. Is the dedication also for him?
“Absolutely, a club is not just the coach, also the sporting director, the team and above all the president. Niederauer has done a lot for this club, he has always understood the mistakes and is improving all of this, then there are comparisons with the president and sporting director, as happened in December, I am a professional and as said in Johnsen’s story I am a professional and I have to adapt, something was done that in my opinion at that moment was not right, but it didn’t change my life, because we continued to fight also thanks to the president, because whoever pays and who did these things matters and I’m sure that there are still important prospects.”

Did you expect this Palermo in the first leg?
“I wanted this approach from my team, perhaps we were better in the first half. Even when we met Palermo and won 0-3 it was a different Palermo compared to this one. We entered a stadium with 32 thousand people and we were very good at resisting, then at Penzo we instead rode the enthusiasm. In the first leg Palermo played a great match, then they are not inside, I can’t explain the reason for certain problems, but looking at it from the outside they are strong.”