The future of Hellas, the contracts of Baroni and Sogliano and the decisive revolution. Setti says it all

River press conference for the president of Hellas Verona Maurizio Setti, who after having achieved another salvation, among the thousand problems, decided to talk about everything that revolves around the club, starting from the January revolution which had made most people think that staying in Serie A was almost impossible. This was not the case, and Setti himself even stated that all those transfers were decisive: “Normally Verona makes transfers, in the summer transfer market it didn’t happen because the offers arrived too late, the fundamental point is that the January revolution it is done with four starting players, four who were reserves, and many have never played and were out of the squad. Without revolution we would not have been saved, we decided this together with the coach and sporting director. Many players we no longer wanted to stay here , the only one was Ngonge who however had too high a valuation not to sell him, the others were hoping for better contracts or different situations the club lives on capital gains so having not done them before I would have had to do them later.”

Great credit this season must be attributed to the coach Marco Baroni and the sporting director Sean Sogliano, but the future of the two is not yet certain, according to Setti: “In my experience I understood that the contracts are there but they are worth little. We haven’t talked yet, we want to finish this championship well then we will start to evaluate what awaits us, together and with great serenity”.

Words also on the future of the club, with Maurizio Setti who answered the question about the possibility that Hellas Verona is for sale: “There has never been anything concrete and true, just approaches, the club is open to opportunities, if the equity partner arrives, welcome, if a wealthy person arrives who can lead the club to improved results, welcome , I don’t have almond-shaped eyes, I’m not a fund, I don’t have the financial possibilities to compete in top six championships but I think I have demonstrated in recent years the football that I can afford to the maximum that I can promise to our fans is that we have to understand where this reality falls. I have achieved the record of consecutive championships in Serie A, so if no one has managed to do it before we have to ask ourselves questions, then if someone arrives who can improve the situation and lead the club to fight for I’m open to other goals.”