Monza, Palladino: “Two wonderful years, I’ve grown. I’ll thank the boys for my whole life”

There Juventus in his debut as coach of Monza and on the last outing on the red and white bench. A twist of fate that he spoke about in the pre-match at the Allianz Stadium Raffaele Palladinored and white coach, at the microphones of DAZN: “I believe in destiny, that football puts you in front of these beautiful situations and emotions. It can all be written, it’s a great emotion to be here and close the championship at the Juventus Stadium. We are very happy with the two seasons we’ve had, with this one has just passed and we want to close it in the best way possible by putting in a good performance today.”

Two years that changed her life. What do you take away?
“I think they were two wonderful years, the first two in Serie A. I learned a lot, simply because of the loyalty the boys had towards me, how they welcomed me at the beginning and how they were great professionals. Without I couldn’t have done it with them, thanks to them who created a fantastic group. They really gave me a lot from a human point of view. I grew a lot as a coach and as a man, being with young guys… they make you feel good. I will thank them all my life. I am happy to have had these two beautiful seasons.”