Malinovskyi’s report cards: quality all-rounder, the opening goal is a billiard shot

A nice goal from outside, from one of the best long-range shooters in the Serie A championship. Ruslan Malinovskyidefinitely at ease in front of the defense, opened the scoring in the 2-0 of Genoa on Bologna who closed the Marassi season.

7 in the almost unanimous report card. This is the comment from La Gazzetta dello Sport: “Skillful direction. In the action of the 1-0 goal, both the insertion and the diagonal that put Genoa ahead were perfect.” Congratulations also on the pages of Corriere dello Sport: “Quality all-rounder: he shields the opponents’ attack attempts and comes forward at the right times. The flat left shot is nice, a billiard shot that leans against the post and goes in online. Top”.
We close with the opinion of Tuttosport: “A nice billiard shot for the goal that gave Genoa the lead. Aside from a few too many physical problems, a season as a protagonist for him too”

La Gazzetta dello Sport: 7
Corriere dello Sport: 7
Tuttosport: 7