Fiorentina’s report cards – Baldi keeps his afloat, Severini what a mistake from 11 meters


Baldi 6.5 – He comes out recklessly on Giacinti for the first goal and isn’t flawless on the other two Giacinti goals either. But then they overcome Pilgrim first and then Minami in extra time, avoiding two certain goals and repeat it again against Viens practically at the end. On penalties he does his best by neutralizing one, but it’s not enough.
Faerge 5.5 – He goes the distance after a good match, leaving too much space for his opponents who manage to come back from two goals. He also suffers in extra time.
Agard 5.5 – He makes some mistakes, even if all in all he guards well with Giacinti for most of the match. He suffers more when Roma gives fewer points of reference up front with a more mobile attack.
Georgieva 5 – Not flawless either, with the three goals all coming from the center of the penalty area. Without Giacinti in front, she too loses references and leaves too many spaces for her opponents.
Toniolo 6.5 – In the first half Haavi suffers and gives her some dangerous crosses in the middle. However, she grows in the second half when she is the author of decisive closures. Also noteworthy are some of her exits with her head held high with the ball at her feet. From the 79th Erzen 5.5 -He also makes some noteworthy defensive closures, but it’s not enough to make him miss his more solid partner. He especially suffers from the accelerations of Haavi first and then Pilgrim.
Severini 4 – You don’t see much, doing a lot of obscure work in the middle of the pitch to sew up the game between the departments. All in all, a sufficient performance was tarnished with a really bad penalty that extinguished the Viola’s dreams of putting a trophy on the board this season.
Johannasdottir 6 – Great physicality and some good verticalization to set Janogy in particular. He drops a little at distance and in the second half he struggles more to act as a filter in the middle. From the 120th Cinotti Sv.
Janogy 7.5 – He was involved in all of Fiorentina’s goals: first fouling Ceasar’s incorrect clearance and then scoring twice in the second half, demonstrating not only excellent timing, but also physical strength and clarity. From the 79th Longo 5 – The difference with the Swedish one is merciless. She never manages to get the right impulse and wastes too much when she has the ball at her feet.
Boquete 5.5 – Not the best version of the footballer admired this season and beyond. She tries to give a few points of reference by varying on the front, but she is not always precise in her plays and passes for her teammates. However, she puts in a lot of determination until the very end.
Chain 6 – Generous match on the wing in which they alternate in the two phases to try to give balance to the team. One of his plays resulted in the second Viola goal which seemed to put the final on ice.
Hammarlund 7 – Not only does she play with the opposing centre-backs using her body, but she is good and quick at taking advantage of Ceasar’s mistake to break the deadlock in the match. He was also good at not being tempted by personal glory to provide an assist to Janogy for Viola’s second goal. He comes out after giving 110% on the pitch. From the 104th Lundin Sv.
Sebastian de la Fuente 5.5 – He had studied it well and for a long period he was in charge of Roma and made the Viola fans dream big with his team that seemed to be in control of the pitch and the result, but then something happened between substitutions and tiredness. Roma returns to the match and Fiorentina is no longer able to react, even risking collapsing in extra time where Baldi keeps them alive with his saves. It’s difficult to understand why he takes away the excellent Janogy.