Cremonese-Catanzaro 4-1, the report cards: few scores for the Giallorossi

Final result: Cremonese-Catanzaro 4-1

Saro 6 – On the only occasion in which he is called into question, he is careful about Oliveri’s conclusion. Without blame on Antonini’s trip.

Antov 7 – Dominates not only in his own penalty area but along the entire pitch. At the end of the first half, he attacks Vandeputte and serves Coda a ball only to put into the goal.

Radishes 6 – Little work for him this evening and on those rare occasions he is always attentive. From 46′ Locoshvili 6 – Like those who preceded him, he does his job well.

Bianchetti 6 – On that side the opponents do little and they take some liberties even in the offensive phase.

Zanimacchia 6.5 – Tireless. He gallops on the outside right and always creates a danger when he pushes forward. From 72 Ghiglione sv.

Vazquez 7 – With just one play he shows his class and puts the qualification issue on the way. Surgical left foot that sends the ball under seven and leaves no way out for Fulignati. From 66′ Falletti 6 – He looks for the joy of scoring but his free kick which seemed to be aimed behind the goalkeeper is deflected off the crossbar.

Castagnetti 6.5 – Start the match by dirtying Fulignati’s gloves. Then midway through the first half he invents the assist to double the lead. Furthermore, it is fundamental in the non-possession phase.

Pickel 6.5 – Dam of the grey-red midfield and from his recovery comes the action that leads to the goal that opens the match. From 61′ Mayer 6 – He comes in to give Pickel a breather ahead of the final and plays well in front of the defence.

Sernicola 7 – He also pushes a lot from his side and puts the opposing rearguard in difficulty. He is ready for Collocolo’s cross and drops the poker that closes the score.

Queue 7 – In these matches he makes the difference and even today he doesn’t make mistakes. He leads the counterattack to perfection that leads to Vazquez’s goal. His signature could not be missed, which is worth the 17th goal of the season.

Good help 7 – With his insertions he cuts the opposing defense in two. Precisely on one of these occasions, he takes advantage of Castagnetti’s brushstroke and in a half overhead kick leaves Fulignati no chance. From 55′ Collocolo 6.5 – He presents himself at his best on the pitch and, at the end of a great play, he serves the assist for the poker signed by Sernicola.

Giovanni Stroppa 7.5 – After being put back together in the first leg, he annihilates Catanzaro. Perfect match for the Grigiorossi who dominated from start to finish and dropped the poker which allowed them to secure the final against Venezia.

Fulignati 6 – We surpass ourselves at the start on Castagnetti’s splendid free kick. Not guilty of the goals conceded.

Oliveri 6 – The best among the guests. He pushes alone on the right and is the only one to dirty Saro’s gloves.

Antonini 5.5 – Leaves too much space for Vazquez who has plenty of time to adjust the ball and send it into the net. The goal scored at the end was of no use.

Scognammillo 5.5 – He starts the match off well, then gets put in by Buonaiuto’s movement on the occasion of Cremonese’s second goal.

Veroli 5.5 – He suffers from Zanimacchia’s raids and he too is the protagonist of two bad outgoing turnovers which could have aggravated the deficit.

Petriccione 5 – He struggles to provide order in the middle of the pitch and, indeed, often puts his teammates in difficulty. Since ’83 Verna sv

Pontisso 5 – Never in the heat of the game, loses too many balls and doesn’t filter in front of the defense. From 46′ Pompetti 6 – Vivarini brings order to the midfield and from his corner kick comes the goal that makes the deficit less burdensome.

Sounas 5 – He is never seen and, after just 45 minutes, he is called back to the bench. From 46′ Brignola 5 – Try to shock his people. With his accelerations he puts the opposing defensive line in difficulty. 20 minutes after his entrance, however, he protests vehemently against the referee who sends him to the shower.

Biasci 5 – He is seen very little and is dominated by Antov who limits him. From 55′ Donnarumma 6 – He tries to shake up the Giallorossi attack but with one man less he is unable to make an impact.

Vandeputte 5 – It lights up around the half hour mark when it hits the crossbar and sends a shiver down the backs of the Zini fans. A few minutes later he loses a bloody ball which ends the match for the home team.

Iemmello 5 – It has no impact on the match and the counterattack starts from one of his turnovers in the opponent’s midfield which leads to Cremonese’s goal. From ’84 Stoppa sv.

Vincenzo Vivarini 5 – His team falls under the blows of Cremonese. The approach to the most important match of the season was completely wrong. Too many exiting turnovers which open the way for the opponents are a burden.