Calafiori: “If I were to leave Bologna I would miss everything. Motta transformed me”

Riccardo Calafioridefender of Bologna, gave an interview to SportWeekweekly magazine La Gazzetta dello Sporttalking about his splendid season and also commenting on his possible farewell in the summer, with honeyed words for Thiago Motta: “He taught me a lot, transforming me from a winger to a centre-back, but also many other aspects of football that I didn’t know. If I were to go Via di Bologna I would miss everything, my teammates, the people, the city and above all him.”

You also remember the experience at Roma: “De Rossi was waiting for me to finish the treatment to take me home. With Mourinho, however, things came to a head after the 6-1 against Bodo and his choices went to others, while I remained watching from the bench” .