Ag. Bonaventura very harsh: “Inexplicable exclusion, I don’t think Spalletti alone decided”

“It’s an inexplicable exclusion.” Enzo Raiolaprosecutor among others of Giacomo Bonaventuradoes not mince words to comment on the failure to call up the midfielder Florentine for the next European Championships: “A freezing shower. He has a great career behind him and has scored eight goals – says Raiola, interviewed by Tuttosport – in a few days he will play a European final. I continue to support Italy, I hope they win the tournament. But it’s inexplicable.”

“He didn’t just choose Spalletti.” During the interview, Raiola hypothesized that Bonaventura’s exclusion was not entirely spontaneous on the part of the coach: “I judge Spalletti to be a high-level person, but I am convinced that the choice is not entirely and solely the result of his sole will Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s still my thought. It seems really strange to me, then I don’t want to mention other situations and who was called in his place.”

In the past, Spalletti had also defined Bonaventura as the Bellingham of Italy: “The coach has always spoken well of him – said Raiola – so much so that Jack expected to go to the European Championship. He was amazed. Then he also played with Cagliari a great match, proving that he is a champion, eliminating the great disappointment suffered in those 90 minutes. We are talking about a 100% professional, someone who excels both on and off the pitch.”