Team Altamura, club note: “Looking for a stadium for the next Serie C championship”

Official note from Team Altamura regarding the stadium issue in view of the next Lega Pro tournament.

“TEAM ALTAMURA SSD A RL takes note of the unanimous approval that took place this morning in the city council relating to the works planned for the renovation of the Tonino D’Angelo Stadium aimed at making it accessible and usable in the next national LEGA PRO championship.
We thank managers and all political forces for this important turning point.

However, considering that after the assignment to the contractor, 100 days are expected for the completion of the works, the company is currently still looking for an alternative stadium which must be communicated to the League and which, in case of delays, will be used for the first days of the championship. The Stadium must be communicated no later than 03 June 2024, under penalty of exclusion from the championship.

There are only a few days left until registration for the next championship is completed and, at present, TEAM ALTAMURA CALCIO does not have a stadium. The intervention of political forces is extremely urgently required in order to find an immediate solution to the problem, also consulting the various police headquarters considering the imminent deadlines.

We cannot risk throwing away years of sacrifices on the part of clubs and an entire fan base who have fought hard to achieve this great goal.

We need immediate certainties.”