Silvio Baldini: “Fiorentina? Criticizing Italian is mean, he’s a great coach”

The former coach Silvio Baldini spoke to the microphones of Radio FirenzeViola to talk about the most current issues at Fiorentina. These are his words starting from the Viola moment and on the mood of the square: “Last year Fiorentina made two finals and this year another. The Viola play excellent football and have interpreted the aggressive and protagonist of Florence. Fiorentina tried to do it with the right spirit.”

Can Fiorentina manage to do like Atalanta and Bologna?
“She can do it too. If she had won the two finals last year she would have made history. Now there is another final. I am convinced that Fiorentina can win. Also due to a question of cabal after Atalanta’s victory It won’t be easy in Athens though.”

On Italian “He is a great coach. He started with the amateurs and arrived in Serie A. He has followed a path that certifies the fact that he is a great coach. Otherwise he won’t start from the interregional and arrive in Europe. In Trapani he achieved promotion , in Spezia promotion and salvation and in Florence two finals. Criticizing Italiano is wicked, but it cannot be a technical judgment but rather a judgment linked to a question of antipathy”.