Italian Cup, the official lineups of Roma-Fiorentina: Viens from 1st. Boquete leads the Viola

The Roma coach relies on Viens, the championship’s top scorer, and Giacinti in attack supported by Haavi. In midfield Giugliano will be supported by Kumagai and Greggi, while in defense there is Minami alongside Linari ahead of Ceasar. Fiorentina responds with Boquete behind Hammarlund, while Janogy and Catena will act on the outside, with Severini-Johannasdottir as a central midfield pair. Baldi is in goal protected by Agard and Georgieva in the centre.

These are the official lineups for the Women’s Italian Cup final:

Rome (4-3-3): Ceasar; Bartoli, Minami, Linari, Di Guglielmo; Kumagai, Giugliano, Greggi; Viens, Giacinti, Haavi. Available: Korpela. Valdezate, Pilgrim, Glionna, Tomaselli, Sonstevold, Feiersinger, Kramzar, Troelsgaard. Coach Sponge
Fiorentina (4-2-3-1): Baldi; Faerge, Agard, Georgieva, Toniolo; Severini, Johannasdottir; Janogy, Boquete, Catena; Hammarlund. Available: Schroffenegger, Spinelli, Cinotti, Longo, Parisi, Erzen, Mijatovic, Lundin, Tucceri Cimini. Coach De la Fuente