Genoa, Vogliacco: “Gilardino will have a great career. He will continue to grow together with us”

Alessandro Vogliaccodefender of Genoaspoke to the microphones of Sky Sports after the 2-0 home success against Bologna: “We reached the seasonal objective early, so we worked hard on a mental level to continue to press on the accelerator and keep our concentration high. Each of us has personal objectives that they go hand in hand with those of the team, we cared a lot about this match.”

A comment on Strootman?
“In these two years he was very important for the whole group, but above all for me: he taught me what it means to be a leader and a professional, he will be greatly missed. He is a legend.”

What did Gilardino give you?
“He started from the basics, from trust, awareness and competitive hunger. He is a great coach who will continue to grow together with us: he will have a great career as he also did as a footballer, as well as being a great motivator and communicator he prepares matches down to the smallest detail and demands that the team is always on track.”