De Laurentiis is in a hurry, Gasperini is not. Naples crossroads for the bench: and Conte opens

Napoli is still looking for the next coach to whom they can entrust the bench for next season, the one that will have to rebirth the team after this year’s disappointing championship, and important news has arrived regarding Aurelio De Laurentiis’ ideas. First the match against Lecce, then the announcement of the new coach, but as reported by Sky Sports ADL is in a hurry to resolve the issue and finds itself at a crossroads.

Gasperini is still negotiating with Atalanta.
As we told you in the afternoon, Gian Piero Gasperini has made his requests to Atalanta and a final decision on his renewal with the Dea will arrive in the next few hours, with the sensations that for the moment lead towards his permanence. In all of this, Napoli remains on the sidelines, but not for much longer.

Wait for Gasp or sink for Conte?
The Italian president will make a decision perhaps as early as tomorrow and the important news is the opening of Antonio Conte who has taken some steps towards Napoli from an economic point of view. The former coach has always been De Laurentiis’ first choice and contacts are alive, with Stefano Pioli, fresh from his divorce with Milan, who remains in the second row.