Anti-Super League rule for clubs suspended by the FIGC: the Federation’s press release

With an official statement the FIGC has suspended the anti-Super League rule which prohibited clubs from participating in competitions not recognized by the Federation itself, by FIFA and by UEFA. Below is the text.

“The Federal President

having seen the resolution of the Federal Council adopted at the meeting of 17 May 2021, published with Official Press Release no. 243/A of 18 May 2021, and the resolution of the Federal Council adopted at the meeting of 20 December 2023, published with Official Press Release no. 140/A
of 21 December 2023;

having seen, in particular, art. 16, paragraph 2, letter. a) of the NOIF, referred to in Official Press Release no. 243/A of 18 May 2021, which reads as follows:[….] if they participate in competitions organized between private associations not recognized by FIFA, UEFA and the FIGC”;
having also seen point A-1) of Section II) “FURTHER OBLIGATIONS FOR SERIES A COMPANIES”, point A-1) of Section III “FURTHER OBLIGATIONS FOR SERIES B COMPANIES” and point A-1 ) of Section V “FURTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR SERIES C COMPANIES”, referred to in Official Press Release no. 140/A of 21 December 2023, which reads as follows: ” [….] containing […] the commitment not to participate in competitions organized by private associations not recognized by FIFA, UEFA and the FIGC”;
deemed it appropriate to analyze the wording of the aforementioned rules in light of ruling C-333/21 of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 21 December 2023;
having seen the art. 24, paragraph 3 of the Federal Statute;
having heard the federal Vice Presidents
decides to temporarily suspend, pending completion of the aforementioned investigations, the effectiveness of the provisions referred to in the aforementioned art. 16, paragraph 2, letter. a) of the NOIF, referred to in Official Press Release no. 243/A of 18 May 2021, limited to the part which reads as follows: ” […..] if they participate in competitions organized between private associations not recognized by FIFA, UEFA and the FIGC”, as well as the aforementioned letters. A-1) of Section II), letter. A-1) of Section III) and letter. A-1) of Section V), referred to in Official Press Release no. 140/A of 21 December 2023, limited to the part which reads as follows: “[….] containing […..] the commitment not to participate in competitions organized by private associations not recognized by FIFA, UEFA and the FIGC”.