Casertana, Cangelosi: “We didn’t steal anything. Victory over Juve NG deserved”

“I’m happy, the euphoria of the city is a source of pride. This moment makes people happy, Caserta, football is made of emotion, being able to convey emotions is an additional incentive to always do better. I’m happy”: after the victory over Juventus Next Gen, this is how Casertana coach Vincenzo Cangelosi made his debutwhich, as we read above tuttojuve.comspoke on the sidelines of the first leg of the First Round of the National Phase of the playoffs, which will see the next 90′ played in Caserta on Saturday 18 May (with kick-off at 8.30pm).

The coach then continued: “We are enjoying the victory. We have the possibility of managing a small advantage for now, but be careful because anything can always happen. If we have a certain type of mentality we must continue along that false line. Today it turned to There were also a few episodes in our favor, but I’m satisfied with the performance and we didn’t steal anything.”

Concluding note to the second teams: “I had already seen Juve, they are an excellent team. There was nothing to underestimate. The further you go, the more the teams improve in quality. Especially in the second part of the championship. But I would prefer to see in the second most Italian teams. Why do we always have to valorise all foreign players?”.