What is the point of the limit on non-EU citizens? The answer is: none

Why does the Italian championship have a limit on non-EU citizens? It’s a question to ask ourselves at a time when we have a Serie A full of foreigners, albeit EU citizens, who suffocate the products of our nursery. Because if it is true that there are very strong foreign players, on the other hand inserting medium-low profiles does not help the growth of those who move from C to B. The difference between non-EU and EU players, therefore, does not make much sense. If there was a limit on foreigners it would be a certain type of choice.

So, instead, the mountain gave birth to the little mouse. Because it is clear that the AIC does not lose power for one more or less non-EU citizen with replacement, while it would have more if it managed to block, at least partially, the entry of non-Italians into football. Would the championship lose its competitiveness? Difficult to say, given the tradition of Serie A.

This is Lorenzo Casini’s announcement today. “The Council went well. As far as Serie A is concerned we are satisfied, a request had not been accepted for over 10 years: it was decided to adjust the number of non-EU citizens who can arrive in Italy each year. Previously there were 2 of which one as a replacement, in France they can take 4, in Germany there is no limit, in Spain 3 and I’m not talking about the Premier… The request has been accepted, there will be 2 non-EU slots with no replacement obligation he understood the teams’ needs and showed openness. Now we will have to think about the young players trained and strengthening the youth teams.”