Tutino in the national team? Spalletti: “I know him, I have trained him and I take everyone into consideration. But…”

The 20 seasonal goals of Gennaro Tutinoa historic record for a Cosenza player, have sparked the imagination of the Calabrian fans who for some time have started sponsoring the attacker in view of this summer’s European Championship which will see Italy face Spain, Croatia and Albania.

The coach was also heard in this regard Luciano Spalletti who yesterday, on the sidelines of the World Meeting on Human Fraternity at CONI, responded thus to those who asked him if the ’96 class, best Italian player in the first two series of our football, had any chance: “We have our potential . I know Tutino well, I coached him at NapoliI’m pleased that he showed what his strength is, however, while taking everyone into consideration – concludes Spalletti – We have had potential available for some time”.