Saint-Étienne will become Canadian: “In negotiations with Gazidis’ Kilmar Sports Ventures”

L’AS Saint-Etiennethrough a statement on its official website, announced the start of negotiations by the current owners for the sale of the club with the Canadian group Kilmar Sports Ventures:

“After more than twenty years at the helm of AS Saint-Étienne, Bernard Caïazzo and Roland Romeyer have decided to sell the club to new shareholders committed to developing their vision and accelerating the development of the club. To ensure an ambitious future for all ‘AS Saint-Étienne club, their goal is to put ASSE in the hands of a trusted, experienced and financially sound player. After several weeks of discussions, the shareholders of ASSE announced today that they have entered into exclusive negotiations with the president of Kilmer Sports Ventures Ivan Gazidis in order to proceed with the sale of all shares of ASSE Groupe Kilmer Sports Ventures, a Canadian family group owned by Larry Tanenbaum. The sale must be ratified in the coming weeks, once the information and consultation obligations of the parties have been completed interested parties and the competent authorities”.