Direct salvation can no longer come, to avoid falling into Serie C this evening we only have to beat Brescia and hope that Ascoli don’t win against Pisa; in this case, there will then be the playouts, and from there two other hot matches that will tell more. Therefore a complex situation for Bariwith the square decidedly agitated and in open dispute with the club for some time, so much so that there was an attack on DS Ciro Polito and the decision to put president Luigi De Laurentiis under guard.
But it doesn’t end here, since yesterday the police forces have been patrolling the “San Nicola” stadium, where for this evening, the evening of the match, the steward service will also be reinforced.
Net of all this, however, as reported La Repubblica-Bari, there will be 20 thousand fans who will try to push the Apulian cockerels towards that victory that has been missing for three months nowbut which tonight more than ever could be sacrosanct, as we read, “to prevent one of the saddest and most dangerous pages in the history of the red and white club from taking place. The level of guard is very high, because there is a well-founded fear that a a new misstep by the team would not be tolerated by the extreme fringes of the fans.”