Fonseca exalts De Rossi: “A gladiator. Dybala? Strong but unable to have continuity”

The former Rome Daniel Fonsecaguest of the show “Cose di Calcio” on Cusano Italia TVtalks about the Italian championship like this: “Inter did well and Atalanta is always a tough team that Gasperini has been making play in amazing form for many years and then I supported Roma, my favorite team, now that De Rossi has arrived and we are all cheering – adding – we all know the gladiator who was on the pitch and will certainly be the same as a coach. He is a person who does not like to lose and who transmits incredible values.”

When asked about the most interesting player in Serie A, Fonseca has no doubts: “I have always liked Dybala a lot for his qualities but unfortunately he never manages to have the continuity that we all expect due to injuries, he has all the potential to be a champion.” A fragile talent in a different type of football compared to a few decades ago: “Football has changed – he remarks – during our era the goalkeeper caught the ball with his hand, the defenders beat for 25 minutes and at the 25th minute the referee warned him Today in the third minute of the match a defender grabs an attacker by the shirt and gets a yellow card and the game is already conditioned. There is an observation to be made, before Baggio, Batistuta, Mancini, Maradona scored 15-20 goals and today they scored. attackers make 40-50”.

Then, taking inspiration from a question about Baldanzi and the pressure that a young player can have in contact with the big names, the former Giallorossi striker expressed this thought: “The personality of each of us always has an impact. When you are young you need courage, light-heartedness and moving forward despite making mistakes because normally you make mistakes, you rarely guess. If you are convinced you know that sooner or later you will make it, this is a is the secret to being able to reach the outcome, because you don’t get there overnight. Things are built, you grow, you improve and perhaps one day opportunities will arrive.”