Reform Abodi, Christillin: “FIFA and UEFA will talk. Without autonomy there is a risk of sanctions”

Interviewed by today’s edition of Gazzetta dello Sport, Evelina Christillinadditional member of the FIFA Council as an additional member of UEFA, commented on the idea of ​​the Minister of Sport Andrea Abodi to create a government agency that supervises the economic and financial aspect of professional clubs:

“I looked for FIFA president Infantino on Sunday who was in Miami for the GP and I spoke with general secretary Matthias Grafstrom. They have their antennas very straight, they will certainly make a statement after consulting with UEFA. They are taking a minimum of time to have a complete picture of the situation, both FIFA and UEFA will talk about what is happening. The tools to make themselves heard are there: first of all they will strongly emphasize the autonomy of the sport and as a last resort they could threaten ad excludendum sanctions.

Minister Abodi has already said that it may be subject to changes, but I was surprised by the use of an instrument such as the legislative decree, which by nature must respond to criteria of necessity and urgency. But where is the urgency? Suddenly we need to intervene in this way? Among other things, making the Agency pay the teams is rather incomprehensible. Obviously I want to read the document carefully. If the Agency’s opinion on championship registrations were to remain binding as it appears in the draft circulated so far, the interference would be sensational.”