Negri advises Tutino: “Playing in Serie A is the best, but doing it with Cosenza is even better”

In the last round of the championship Gennaro Tutino equaled a record that had lasted for 29 years and was held by Marco Negri who in the 1994/95 season scored 19 goals in Serie B, under the guidance of Alberto Zaccheroni, dragging Cosenza to safety despite a huge penalty of nine points. A goal never achieved before or since by any player until today with the former Napoli player who, thanks to the goal against Spezia, crossed the prestigious finish line with the possibility of overcoming it in the last round of the championship.

A record so distant in time that not even Negri himself, as he explains to CosenzaChannelremembered holding: “I didn’t know you held this record, I thought it was Gigi Marulla’s. For me all Cosenza’s records are his. – continues Negri – At the time, Serie B was really great but records are made to be broken and I’m pleased that it was a strong player like Tutino who joined me who also has another match to do better. Then his goals, like mine, also served for a wonderful salvation, so even better.”

Then there’s room for Tutino with some advice on his future: “I have to say that I’m a bit angry with him because he shouldn’t have waited until he was 27 to compete in a similar championship, he has everything to establish himself at the highest levels, he’s a complete striker like few others . – concludes Negri – Serie A is the best for every footballer, there’s no denying it, but there is something that can overcome this possibility. Playing in Serie A with the Cosenza shirt. I believe that if there was the possibility of continuing his adventure in rossoblù Tutino could really write history.”